Did you know that the right hand wash can help you care for your skin every time you wash your hands? Inspired by the richness of shea butter and the soothing warmth of vanilla, Dove has developed Dove Purely Pampering Shea Butter with Warm Vanilla Hand Wash to add a touch of indulgence to your everyday routine and help give you the beautifully soft hands you love.
Stiati ca spalarea corecta a mainilor ajuta la ingrijirea corecta a acestora? Insiprata din bogatia untului de shea si minunanta aroma de vanilie, Dove a creat sapunul lichid Dove Purely Pampering cu unt de shea si vanilie pentru a fi folosit in rutina ta de zi cu zi si pentru a oferi acele maini catifelate pe care ti le doresti.
The shea butter and warm vanilla fragrance in this Dove hand wash gives you a chance to pamper yourself each day. With ¼ moisturising cream, it helps care for your hands, leaving you with soft, smooth skin.Purely Pampering: treat yourself and your skin every day.
Dove Purely Pampering is a range of skin cleansing products designed to care for your skin and pamper your senses every single day. With a blend of gentle cleansers and skin-loving ingredients, the rich lather and warm scents create a pampering experience that will leave you and your skin feeling balanced and renewed.
Untul de shea si parfumul minunat de vanilie din sapunul lichid Dove Iti ofera sansa de a te rasfata in fiecare zi.Cu o patrime crema hidratanta, ajuta la ingrijirea mainilor, lasand plielea moale si neteda.Purely Pampering: iti rafata atat mainile cat si pielea in fiecare zi.
Dove Purely Pampering este o gama de produse de curatare a pielii conceputa pentru a va ingriji pielea si a va rasfata simturile in fiecare zi. Cu un amestec de creme delicate si ingrediente perfecte pentru piele, aromele bogate si calde creaza o experienta frumoasa de rasfat care va vor face sa va simtiti minunat.
Our hands definitely deserve some extra care. So how do we do that? By making the process of hand washing as enjoyable as possible. Here’s how to wash – no, pamper – your hands… the Dove way.
Mainile au nevoie cu adevarat de o ingrijire speciala.Cum facem asta?Incepem prin a face procesul de curatare a fi cat mai placut.Iata sfaturile mele pentru spalare - nu, rasfatarea mainilor cu ajutorul sapunurilor lichide Dove.
Timing is key
First things first: proper hand washing should last at least 20 seconds, making sure you’ve massaged every part with your chosen hand washing product. Just dispense a pump of this Dove hand wash into the palm of your hand and enjoy the pampering velvety lather while you wash.
Timpul este foarte important
Sa incepem cu inceputul.Spalarea corecta a mainilor trebuie sa dureze cel putin 20 de secunde, asigurandu-va ca ati masat fiecare parte a mainii cu produsul ales pentru curatare.Apasati o data pe pompa sapunului lichid Dove pentru a obtine in palma produsul si bucurativa de spuma catifelata in timp ce va curatati mainile.
Avoid dryness
Find that washing your hands a lot leaves your skin dry and tight? Wash hands with a product that combines cleansing with moisturisers, like Dove Beauty Cream Wash, with a special formulation that helps protect your skin’s natural moisture level. It contains our ¼ moisturising cream to keep your hands hydrated and soft, plus a pH-neutral formulation that’s mild on your skin.Caring formula is suitable for everyday use on hands
Evita uscarea pielii
Va ganditi ca spalatul foarte des pe maini va usuca pielea? Spalati-va mainile cu un produs care combina curatarea cu hidratarea, cum ar fi Dove Beauty Cream Wash, cu o formula speciala care va ajuta sa protejati nivelul de hidratarea al pielii.Contine o patrima crema hidratanta pentru a mentine mainile hidratate si moi.de asemenea contine o formula pentru PH, care este usoara pentru piele. Formula de ingrijire este potrivira pentru utilizarea zilnica in curatarea mainilor.
Dry carefully
When you’re drying your hands post hand washing, try to use a fresh towel. If possible, keep a pile of hand towels in the bathroom and wash them often. Not only will they stay fluffy and soft longer (prolonging that pampered feeling), but they’re less likely to spread any nasty germs, too.
Usuca mainile cu grija
Cand va uscati mainile, dupa spalare incercati sa folositi un prosop curat si uscat. Daca este posibil tineti cateva prosoape curate in baie si spalatile des. Nu numai ca vor ramane mai pufoase si mai moi, dar este mai putin probabil sa raspandeasca germeni.
Leave hands hydrated
To keep your hands beautifully hydrated and soft, follow with a good hand lotion, like DermaSpa Intensive Hand Cream. Keep it by the sink so you will always remember to use it
Pastreaza mainile hidratate
Pentru a va pastra mainile hidratate si moi, dupa spalare aplicati o crema buna pentru maini.Recomandarea mea este DermaSpa Intensive Hand Cream. O pueti pastra langa chiuveta pentru a nu uita niciodata sa o folositi.
I'm glad I vas chosen by The Buzzstore to test this wonderful products.I recommend all Dove products from all my heart.
Ma bucur ca am fost aleasa de catre cei de la Buzzstore pentru a teste aceste produse minunate.Va recomand din suflet produsele Dove.
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