duminică, 2 aprilie 2017



Buna dragelor!

Saptamanile trecute va povesteam pe Facebook si Instagram despre Tehnologia OmegaPlex® care are efecte miraculoase asupra parului, iar de curand v-am dezvaluit faptul ca, desi pare incredibil, prima vopsea cu tehnologia OmegaPlex® se gaseste acum si in retail. Nu v-am spus mai multe, dar acum, dupa ce am testat vopseaua, sunt mai mult decat incantata sa va dezvalui noul meu secret in colorarea parului: Schwarzkopf Color Expert, primul colorant permanent cu tehnologia profesionala OmegaPlex® disponibil in magazinele din retail.Asemanator saloanele de infrumusetare, Omegaplex Schwarzkopf funcționează repara micro-legaturile din interiorul firului de par, ceea ce face structura parului mai puternic.


Hello ladies!

Last week I was talking on Facebook and Instagram about OmegaPlex® technology that has miraculous effects on hair, and recently I revelead the fact that although it seems incredible, the first hair dye with OmegaPlex® technology is now found in retail.I dindn't say more but now, after I tasted it, I am more than pleased to reveal my new secret in hair dye : Schwarzkopf Color Expert, the first professional permanent dye with OmegaPlex®  technology available in retail stores.Just like in-salon versions, Schwarzkopf’s Omegaplex works on keeping the bonds inside the hair together as you colour, making the structure of your hair stronger.


Cand am  primit spre testare din partea Buzzstore, vopseaua Color Expert, nu am stat pe ganduri deloc, am avut incredere in tehnologia OmegaPlex® care lupta impotriva deterioararii parului. M-am vopsit acasa, rezultatele au fost ca la salon, iar parul meu s-a transformat radical. 


When I received the Color Expert dye from Buzzstore, instantly I trusted in the OmegaPlex® technology which is fighting against the damaged hair.I dyed my hair at home and the results were just as in salons and my hair was completely transformed.


In ceea ce priveste procesul de colorare exista un singur pas suplimentar fata de colorarea clasica, acesta fiind adaugarea serului anti-rupere(care protejeaza parul in timpul colorarii) in vas impreuna cu crema coloranta.Se amesteca totul bine si se aplica normal ca orice alta vopsea. Se lasa sa actioneze dupa care se clateste, se samponeaza iar apoi se aplica tratamentul reparator care repara fibra, sigileaza culoarea si ii reda intensitate.Si gata! Parul meu este gata sa fie coafat. In cutie gasim si un alt  tratament reparator care se foloseste la trei saptamani dupa vopsire, acesta avand ca proprietati  fortificarea firul de par si intensificarea culoarii, dezvaluind un par mai puternic si mai frumos.


In terms of the colouring process there is only one additional step required, adding the anti-breakage serum (which protects the hair during the coloring), into the bowl along with the colour cream. You mix them and apply it as  any other dyer. Leave to develop, rinse, shampoo, apply the colour repair sealer conditioner which repairs the fiber and seals and restores the color intensity. Et voila! The box also contains a repair reviver treatment  that can be used three weeks after as an extra bonding boost before you need to do the whole process again.


Sincer va spun ca am fost placut impresionata atat de brand cat si de rezultatul obtinut impreuna cu experienta colorarii.Dupa vopsire, parul meu a devenit matasos si stralucitor. Cum este posibil? Datorita tehnologiei OmegaPlex®, folosite de Color Expert, care protejeaza si intareste parul in timpul si dupa colorare.
Pentru mine este un produs magic.Calitatea parului meu este vizibil imbunatatita.Cu noul Color Expert, colorarea profesionala a parului s-a mutat acum acasa.


Honestly, I’m so impressed with the brand, for both the color result and coloring experience in itself.After dyeing , my hair became silky and shiny.How is it possible? Due to OmegaPlex® technology used by Color Expert, which protects and strengthens hair during and after coloring
For me it is a magical product. My hair quality is visibly improved.With the new Color Expert, the professional hair coloring has now moved home.

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