miercuri, 15 martie 2017


Buna dragelor!
Astazi vorbim despre un parfum care mie imi place la nebunie, Carolina Herrera Good Girl. Am achizitionat aces parfum in luna Octombrie anul trecut  de pe site-ul Aoro.Magazinul online Aoro ofera o gama extrem de  variata de parfumuri.

Hello beauties!
Today we are going to talk about a fragrance that I love Good Girl from Carolina Herrera . I purchased this perfume in October last year on this site Notino.The online shop Notino provides an extremely wide range of perfumes.

Sa incepem cu ceea ce mi-a atras de la inceput atentia. Cat de fina, calitativa si incredibil de frumoasa este cutia, avand insertii de catifea. Este o cutie dreptungiulara cu detalii negre, albe si aurii care cu siguranta iti vor capta atentia.Insa, adevara comoara o veti gasi inauntru.Carolina Herrera s-a inspirat din faimosul citat al lui Marilyn Monroe  "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world".  Astfel, a fost creata aceasta impresionata si unica sticla in forma de stiletto. O alta sursa de inspiratie a fost orasul New York.Pantoful este superb si foarte elegant.Este stralucitor, avand inscriptionat brandul Carolina Herrera pe talpa si initialele CH in fata.Si nu in ultimul rand, are un minunat toc inalt auriu.Pulverizatorul este localizat in partea de sus, avand un elegant buton de apasare in spate.
Ambalajul nu putea fi mai potrivit de atat atat timp cat afirma si reprezinta un lucru principal: Noi femeile suntem puternice, indraznete, frumoase, independente si stabilim proporiile noastre reguli.

So let's start with what caught my eye from the very first second. How flawless and incredibly beautiful is the packaging? The box is impressive quality because it's got this fabulous velvet finish. It's a stylish black, white and gold rectangular head-turner. But the real treasure is reigning inside. Carolina Herrera got her inspiration from the famous Marilyn Monroe's quote: "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world". As a result, a stunning and unique bottle in the shape of a sky-high sexy stiletto was born. Another inspiration was New York City. The stiletto is super sleek and gorgeous. The "shoe" body is shiny with a delicate Carolina Herrera brand print on its "sole" and CH initials at the front. And then there is a beautifully piercing tall gold heel! The sprayer is located at the very top with a sleek little pushutton in the back. The packaging couldn't be more perfect as it states and represents one main thing: we, women, are strong, daring, powerful, beautiful, independent and we set our own rules. 

Gool Girl dezvaluie cele doua laturi opuse (subliniind idee din spatele ei, accea ca #itsgoodtobebad). Ne putem gandii la ea ca fiind ying and yang, alb si negru, bun si rau.Partea "buna" fiind reprezentata de notele delicate de tuberoza si iasomie sambac care sunt radiante, acestea formand cu siguranta un miros feminin si fin.Partea "rea" are la baza boabe prajite de Tonka si cacao, iar notele de varf fiind migdale si cafea, toate formand un amestec perfect.Parfumul este seducator dar sofisticat.este usor dar indraznet.Este gratios dar puternic.

Good Girl reveals its two opposite sides (therefore, highlighting the idea behind it that #itsgoodtobebad). Think of it as yin and yang, black and white, good and bad. The "good" side is represented by delicate notes of Tuberose and Jasmine Sambac which are radiant and hypnotic. It's a defined feminine and luxurious . The "bad" is spiced with roasted Tonka beans and Cocoa. The perfume is seductive, yet sophisticated. It's light, yet daring. It's graceful, yet powerful. 

Parfumul Good Girl este minunat si intens persistand cel putin o jumatate de zi.Se imprima in piele si haine, astefel incat dupa cele 12 ore parfumul inca persista.Alegerea parfumului este o experienta personala si individuala.In timp ce unele mirosusri pot fi pentru unele persoane preferate si minunate pentru altele, pot fi ingrozitoare.Cu totii suntem diferiti si asta e un lucru bun.De aceea recomand ca in ciuda review-urilor citite despre diferite parfumuri, inaite de achizitionare, sa le incercati personal.Eu personal sunt indragostita de Good Girl si il recomand cu drag.

Good Girl scent is beautiful and intense with a longevity of at least half a day. It clings to your skin and clothes so even after those initial 12 hours have passed, the trail is still there and it's easily detectable. Choosing a perfume is a very individual and personal experience. While some might fall in love with certain scents, others will find them repelling. Despite what review you read about any perfume, make sure to give it a try by yourself. We are all different and it's perfectly great. I personally love Good Girl and couldn't recommend it enough.

Pretul parfumului Carolina Herrera Good Girl pe site-ul Aoro este de 636 lei /80 de ml ( il gasiti AICI) si cred ca daca va plac parfumurile dulci trebuie neaparat sa il testati, s-ar putea sa fie inceputul unei povesti de dragoste. 
Va invit sa aruncati o privire pe site-ul celor de la Aoro unde pueti beneficia de reduceri la o multime de produse si parfumuri. Dupa cum stiti experienta mea cu Aoro a fost minunata si voi continua sa imi achizitionez produse de pe site-ul lor, fiind multumita in primul rand de calitatea acestora.Toate produsele fiind 100% originale.
Sper ca v-a placut review-ul meu. Sunt atat de incantata de parfumul Good Girl in cat nu avea cum sa nu impartasesc si cu voi aces lucru.

The price of Carolina Herrera Good Girl on Aoro site is 141 euros/ 80 ml (you can find it HERE) and I think if you like sweet perfumes you really need to test it, it could be the beginning of a love story 
I invite you to take a look at Aoro site where you can benefit from discounts on a variety of products and perfumes. As you know my experience with Aoror was wonderful and I will continue to buy products on their website, first of all  because I love their quality.And also all the products are 100% original.
Hope you enjoyed this review.I have been enjoying Good Girl perfume so much that I thought it deserves a review.

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